Heating by convection focuses mainly on the air which then must be obviously changed with the outside and causing a loss of energy .
Heating by radiation transfers heat to objects and interior walls which then return it to the human body and other facilities when needed. Limiting air overheating prevents condensation and mold on the walls.
Feeling the heat is not an absolute concept but relative to the person who perceives it. It is important to know that our body regulates itself to remain in a comfort zone by exchanging the heat in four ways: radiation, convection, breathing and sweating, conduction.
The body naturally exchanges heat with the surrounding walls and the other bodies present in the environment. The exchange is immediate and direct and depends on the surrounding temperature.
The body is heated or cooled by the air. Temperature and its speed influences the amount of heat exchanged.
Sweating, as well as breathing, remove energy from the body by exchanging it with the air that enrich itself with heat and steam.
Exchange takes place in a limited part of the body such as feet against the floor.
COMFORT ZONE = on the converse of what it is believed it does not correspond to the air temperature of 20°C. The comfort zone is due to the optimum mix with the value and uniformity of the radiant temperature of the walls. To maintain the environment healthy, while limiting the loss of energy needed exchanged to the outside, it is certainly better to act on the radiant temperature of surfaces rather than overheating the air.
Heating by radiation limits the side effects of excessive heating of the air: thermal stratification (the air near the ceiling is extremely warmer than the one close to the floor ), economic losses in the air changes necessary to keep the environment healthy and comfortable, a lesser amount of steam in suspension and therefore less chance of condensation and mold in correspondence to thermal bridges. So why heat the air when you’re the one having need of comfort?
The Flat Water Technology is the essence of the system: hot water, in small and well calibrated quantities, flowing in flat tubular channels, directly or indirectly warm surfaces in a radiant and continuous way. This let to increase the Mean Radiant Temperature rather than the air temperature. This system allows you to heat your home with up to 25% of energy savings.
Having the right inertia helps to quickly respond to changes in demand for energy that occur during the day. Flat also means maintaining constant the temperature: avoid excesses and readily overcome the shortcomings.
Flat Water is not only technology but produced in a world where aesthetics is an essential component of the artifacts. Flat Water Technology is an abstract concept that becomes reality only when the plates are sized by a special software according to customer requirements and become finally Varme Kilden Radiant Plates. The calculation program, which provide free, is able to supply very rapidly the dimensions of the product for each environment, according to parameters such as: size of rooms and glass surfaces, type of structure, geographical location, exposure, temperature of the system and some more.
There will never provide a plate that may be fine but the plate is perfect for your needs, or the most results with the least possible cost.
For this reason, the plates have been designed to operate with a much lower water flow and to provide most of the heat by radiation and not by convection, thus directly heating the bodies (and individuals) in environment avoiding the use of the ‘ air as a means of heat transfer and thus achieving an energy efficiency unthinkable with normal radiators.